Bitrix24 features all the popular task management tools as a part of a single platform – pick the ones you’re most comfortable with and start getting work done together with your team.
No matter what project management methodology you adhere to, Bitrix24 has got your needs covered. You can choose between Kanban board, Gantt chart, Scrum, calendar, or a simple list of tasks — whichever works best for your team.
Our AI assistant CoPilot is indispensable when it comes to planning a project or creating a new task. Based on your prompt, CoPilot can easily come up with a brief and understandable task description or even turn it into a checklist.
Bitrix24 allows you to automate a wide range of standard, routine operations like creating a task, changing a responsible person, task status or a stage in Kanban, sending a notification or email to a particular employee, and much more.
In addition to various task and project management tools, Bitrix24 features everything your team needs to collaborate and communicate efficiently: chat, video calls and conferencing, file storage, calendar, online documents, mobile app, work time tracking, CRM, and more.
Bitrix24 comes with several dozen integrations available in Bitrix24.Market. You can also create your own apps using our REST API.
Here are the numerous components and tools that make up Bitrix24 Tasks & Projects. Cross-integrated and interlinked, they all work as a part of a single ecosystem.
A full set of task management tools for your business, including Kanban board, Gantt chart, Scrum, and more.
All the tools are already in place. Just add your team members, set access permissions, and get down to work!
Increase work efficiency and improve team collaboration with task time tracking, task summaries, workload tracking, and more.
Everything to facilitate the productive work of your team is here: chat, video calls, file storage, online documents, and more.
A wide choice of tools to help you track and analyze employee performance: task reports, involvement in tasks, task efficiency, KPI, etc.
A full set of sales automation tools, including customizable rules and triggers, workflow automation, task templates, recurring tasks, and more.
Assign tasks, manage work progress, discuss task-related issues in chats and comments, organize online meetings and calls.
Connect your Bitrix24 to other services via cloud API integration for advanced task automation and project management.
Use Bitrix24 CoPilot to generate task descriptions, plan projects, create task summaries, reply to comments, and more.
Projects & workgroups
Kanban board
Gantt chart
Task time tracking
Task reports
Task templates
Task automation
AI assistant in
Tasks & Projects
Workload management
Video calls
File storage
Knowledge base
Recurring tasks
API & integrations
External users
Employee performance
Task efficiency & KPI
Online documents
Access permissions
Show more
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